What we believe determines what we value, and what we value determines how we live.

Faith and Commitment: We are led by the Holy Spirit and courageously live by God’s word which acts as our internal compass in guiding our choices, behaviors, actions, and decisions. (Matthew 16:24)

Honesty and Integrity in Stewardship: We strive for consistency between what we say and do, in how we attend to and use our resources, all in the name of the Lord, our God. (2 Corinthians 8:21)

Respect and Dignity: We celebrate the richness of diversity and seek to get to know those that are different as we are all created in God’s image and connected by God’s love. (Genesis 1:27, 1 John 4:7)

Dedicated Outreach: We stretch ourselves to pioneer new places and return to familiar areas where the gospel of God’s love is not yet known. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Lifelong Learning: We are always learning. We glean insights from our international missionary trips and local outreaches, compare perspectives from other missionaries and churches as well as those we serve, and consult the Word of the Lord to guide us in all things. (Proverbs 2:1-2, 18:15)

Commitment to Excellence: We require of ourselves high standards of professional competence and ethical behavior at all times. (2 Peter 1:5-7)


We Are Christian: We find our call to ministry in the love of God expressed in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus identifies us as the light of the world and we exist to obey His command in Matthew 5:16, “…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

We seek to be the light by emulating Jesus in His identification with and service to the poor, powerless, afflicted, oppressed, and marginalized; in His concern for women and children; in His unconditional love for all people; and in His offer of life transformation through faith in Him. We commit ourselves to carrying out our mission with a spirit of servanthood as modeled by Jesus. We honestly face our own pride, sin, and failure and embrace the redemption that is offered through Christ. We proclaim Jesus as Lord and desire Him to be central in our individual and corporate life. While our identity as Christian is unwavering, we are sensitive to the diverse contexts in which we express that identity. 

We Love All People: We regard all people as created and loved by God. Therefore, we seek to act in ways that reflect His love by respecting the dignity, uniqueness, and worth of every person. We celebrate the richness of diversity in human personality, culture, and contribution of our staff, board, volunteers, and those we serve.

We Are Responsible Stewards: The resources with which we have been entrusted do not belong to us; they are gifts from God through donors for the benefit of those in need. We are faithful to honor the purpose of these gifts in our management of resources in order to provide maximum benefit to those we serve and glorify God as the source of the gifts.

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. We speak and act honestly, striving for consistency between what we say and do. We are transparent and factual in our dealings with donors, staff, partners, volunteers, the public, and those we serve. We endeavor to convey a public image that accurately reflects reality.

We Are Committed to Excellence: We require of ourselves high standards of professional competence and ethical behavior. We embrace accountability through appropriate structures for achieving these standards.

We constantly evaluate ourselves, our programs, and our operations in pursuit of excellence in all we do. We invite and consider honest feedback from others about our work and we are open to new ideas about how to improve it. We encourage flexibility, innovation, and creativity in our approach to serving others. Throughout our evaluation we maintain a posture of learning, reflection, and discovery to promote growth in understanding and skill. We encourage and facilitate the professional, personal, and spiritual development of our staff, board, and volunteers.

We Live Our Values: We recognize that a statement of values does not guarantee adherence to them and that no document can substitute for the attitudes, decisions, and actions that demonstrate values lived. Therefore, we pledge to each other, before God, to do our utmost individually and corporately to uphold these Core Values and Principles , honoring them in our decisions, expressing them in our relationships, and acting consistently with them whenever and wherever we serve.